
Monday, May 10, 2010

What to work on at home

One of the main themes of this blog it going to be giving you (the parent) things to work on at home with your child.  I will incorporate pictures and videos when needed.  I am going to start with the basics and work my way up.  If you have specific questions or your child has a specific area you'd like to work with her (I'll use her generically, but most of what I'm posting here applies to boys too), let me know and I will try to address that area.


Unknown said...


Thanks for creating a blog where parents can also recieve feedback! Jamie Boden is on Level 1 and I have watched her on the bars, beam, and the spring board. I was wondering what she needs to do to advance to the next level. I am new to this as well, so I do not know the technical names of the required moves, but I am willing to educate myself.

I have noticed that some gyms do have videos posted on their websites and the idea of videos of the requirements would be very helpful.

I also was looking for suggestions/guidance for things I can do at home to improve her technique? Do you have any suggestions?

John Boden

Toby said...

I am still trying to gather some video and photos to go along with my posts. Hopefully this thing will be up and rolling very soon.